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Become an ANGP Sponsor

Edison High School is celebrating our outstanding graduating Class of 2025 by hosting an All-Night Graduation Party (ANGP). This 30+ year Fairfax County tradition provides a fun, SAFE, and memorable alcohol and drug-free night for our seniors following their graduation ceremony on June 3rd. We are seeking your support to help make this event a special and notable celebration for our graduates!


We strive to make the ANGP inclusive for all 500 Edison seniors. The event is driven, organized, and hosted entirely by parent volunteers, and we receive no funding from Fairfax County or the school. We rely on the generosity of our community at large to make this event a success! Your help with sponsorship via monetary donations, goods/services, and raffle items are greatly needed and appreciated. We will recognize your generous support and commitment to our school, through Edison's ANGP website, weekly You Need to Know emails to Edison's parents, message links, and numerous social media sites.


Please help us celebrate our seniors by making a 100% tax-deductible contribution to Edison ANGP. We welcome any amount or contribution and thank you for your consideration in supporting this important event. To make a donation online please go HERE:   The Edison PTSA (EIN #541367016) is a non-profit 501c(3) organization.


Business Sponsorship Levels

Platinum:                    $1,000 and above

Gold:                           $500-$999

Silver:                         $100-$499

Friend of Edison:      Other Amount


If you would like to make a donation by mail, click the Become a Sponsor button at the top of this page to access the business sponsorship form.



Edison ANGP is proud to be a partner with Edison's PTSA. Click here to go to the PTSA website. 

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