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Mulch Sale Volunteers

Annual Mulch Sale Deliveries Saturday April 5th


Coaches! Club Sponsors! Parents! Students!

Every year, the PTSA-All Night Grad Party (ANGP) delivers thousands of bags to the Edison community. Large groups of students are needed to help with this effort .

  • All students earn service hours

  • Edison Seniors can also earn two ANGP raffle tickets per hour worked. Raffle tickets are given to them the night of the party, increasing their chances of winning hundreds of dollars in raffle prizes.

  • The mulch sale is the only fundraiser for the All-Night Grad Party, so a successful Mulch Sale means a successful party!


Coaches/Club Sponsors: Sign your team up here to deliver mulch on Saturday, April 5th. Two-hour slots starting at 8:00 a.m.ā€‹


Parents: Parents sign up here.

You are needed to drive Penske delivery trucks and chase cars. Delivery truck drivers follow pre-printed delivery routes, chase cars follow with student volunteers, kids jump out and unload the mulch, on to the next stop!  Adults are not required to do any heavy lifting. 


Students: Your team or club isn’t signed up but you want to volunteer?  Individual student can sign up here.


Food and water provided to all volunteers.


This fundraiser supports the All-Night Grad part committee. Proceeds go towards the Class of 2025 All Night Graduation Party on June 3 from 11 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. at the Franconia Rec Center.  More information here


Questions? Email Laura at


Edison ANGP is proud to be a partner with Edison's PTSA. Click here to go to the PTSA website. 

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